Solar Trade Platform and Directory of Solar Companies
REC Solar Pte. Ltd.

REC Solar Pte. Ltd.

20 Tuas South Ave. 14, 637312
+65 6495 9228
Singapore Singapore

Staff Information

No. Staff
Useful Contacts
Contact Face
Chikoma Kazunga Marketing Manager
Contact Face
Chandra Mouli sales manager APAC
Contact Face
chandra sales manager
Contact Face
Orod Sales Manager

Business Details

Power Range(Wp):
High Efficiency Crystalline
Bifacial, HJT
Power Range(Wp):
Parent Company
Elkem Group



  • REC TwinPeak 5...
    395 ~ 410 Wp
  • REC N-Peak 3 B...
    390 ~ 400 Wp Bifacial,N-type
  • REC AlphA Pro ...
    590 ~ 640 Wp Bifacial,HJT
  • REC Alpha Pure...
    400 ~ 430 Wp Bifacial,HJT
  • REC Alphα Pure...
    450 ~ 470 Wp Bifacial,HJT
  • REC Alpha Pure...
    400 ~ 430 Wp Bifacial,HJT
  • REC Alpha Pro ...
    600 ~ 640 Wp Bifacial,HJT


South Africa

Example Installers Using This Brand

100 PowerLink, 1Power Solar, 3D Energy, 4Shore Solar, AC Solar Warehouse, ACDC Energy, Adapt Energy, Adelaide SolarSafe, Adopt Solar, ADS Solar, Adsolar, Advanced Electrical & Solar, Advantage Solar, AHLEC Solar, Air-Rite, Alex Pye Electrics, All Brisbane Electrical, Energy Matters, Alliance Sunpower, Amazing Solar, Amazon Solar, AMP'D, Andreazza Electrical, Anvil Energy & Air, Aone Solar, Apex Electrics, Apex Solar & Electrical, Apro Electrix, AR Energy Consulting, Arctic Energy, ARD Solar, Solar Intelligence, Aruonergy, ACE, AU Solar Feed, Audra Energy Solar & Electrical, AUS-Brite Solar, Ausgreen Solar, Austra Solar, ASG, ASAES, Australis Solar, Auswell Energy, Avant Solar Energy, Axford Solar, AYKA Solar, Aztech Solar, Azure Energy, Bangar Energy, Banlec, Barossa Valley Electrical, BECS, Bendigo Solar Services, Bespoke Solar, Best Green Solar, Best Solar & Batteries, BetaWatt Solar, BVR Energy, Better Call Solar, Big Sky Energy, Big T, Biz Solar, Bluegum Electrical Solutions, BNV Electrical, Braintric Electrical, Bright Spark Group, Brightworks, Brooksies Energy Solutions, Buss & Grigg Electrical, Buy Solar, Canberra Solar Shine, Catchin' Rayz Solar & Electrical, CBR, CDC Solar & Electrical, Central Coast Energy, Century Solar Energy, Cerium Energy, Champion Energy, Charged Energy, CJN Solar, Clean NRG Solar, Clean Technology Services, CleanFuture, Clear Cut Solar, Climate Cure Solar, Coastal Solar, Coastal Solar and Electrical Tas, CoastWide Solar, Collective Power Solutions, CSS, Compleat Electrics, Cooper and Co., Copper Bull Electrical Services, Corona Solar, Country Solar NT, Countryside Solar, CS Solar, CTI Solar, DSES, Darwin Solar, DE Energy, Deionno Electrical, Delta Electrical & Solar, DK Electrical, DJ Solar, DJM Electrical, DMC Electrical & Energy, DNL Electrical & Solar, DNP North Electrical, DNX Energy, Donna's Electrical, E-Green Electrical, E-Smart Solar, Earthed Electrics, East Coast Electrical and Solar, East Gippsland Solar, Eastern Energy Solutions, EESS, Eco Sparky, Eco Tech Electrical, Ecolution Industries, Ecopense, EcoSmart Solar, EcoSurge, Elecforce Australia, Electrasol, Electric Cool Geraldton, Electrical Experts, Electrical Masters, Electrical Sensations, Electrics Plus, Electrotech, Elevate Solar, Elexcellent, Emerging Solar, ESA, Energenic Solar, Energy Base, Energy Cloud Australia, Energy Platform, Energy SA, Energy Solar, ESC, Energy Wired, EnergypleX, Enertech Solar, Engineering Energy, EOC Energy, Erg Energy, Essar Solar, Essential Energy Solutions, Essential Solar, ESTR Electrical, Everest Electrical, Evergreen Electrical, Evergreen Solar Power, EverySolar 2.0, Evo Solar, Evolution Solar & Hot Water Experts, Evolution Solar, Evolution Solar Sunshine Coast, Evolved Well Solar and Electrical, Exceed Solar, Expert Electrical, Fast Electrical Solar & Data, Finese, First Choice Solar, First Choice Solar, Forever Solar, Fos Electrical, Freedom Energy Solutions, Future Solar, Future Solar WA, G Star Energy, G-Solar & Electrical, G-Store, Gardel Electrical & Solar, GCE Solar and Battery, GCR Electrical Systems, Gedlec Energy, GEM Energy Australia, Generate Energy, Geraldton Solar Force, Gimpel Electrics, Gin Gin Solar and Electrical, Glen Clark, Glow Electrical Contracting, Glow HCE, Go Green Energy, Go Green Home Solar, Goal Solar, Gold City Solar & Electrical, Gold Coast Solar Power Solutions, Goliath Solar & Electrical, GoRunSolar, GoSolar Newcastle, Green & Gold Solar, Green Choice Electrical, Green Energy Technologies, GI Energy, Green Reliance, Green Volt, Green Wave Solar, Green Wiring, Greenbank Solar, Greener Housing Solutions, Greenfield Energy, GreenGen Solar, Greenleaf Carbon, Greenlight Energy Solutions, Greensure, Greenverse Energy, Greenwise Energy, Griffin Renewable Energy, Grow Energy, Hardy Electrical & Solar, Helcro Solar, Helios Energy Specialists, Hi Solar, Hia, Hills Natural Solar, Hills Solar, Hisolar Energy, Home and Energy, HEG, Huglo, HVE, Hybrid Solar & Electrical, HSES, Hybrid Solar Solutions Australia, I Tech Electrical, I Want Energy, Ice Blast, Iconic Solar, iDeal Solar, Ideal Solar Air Conditioning Electrical, IES, Illawarra Solar Energy, Impact Energy, IES, In Flow Solar, Industrial Electrics, Innovate Energy, Inspire Energy, Interactive Solar, Invincible Energy, Island Energy, Jack Cliff Electrical, Jet Solar, JFK Electrical, JME Electrical & Solar, JPG Electrical, JRL Advanced Solar, KACE Electrical Solutions, Kik Connect, KVA Power, Lakes Solar, LAMM Solar and Electrical, Leading Solar, Leaf Electrical, Level Electrical & Solar, LR Energy, Lilojo, Linked Solar, LiVE Services Group, Local Power, Logic Solar, Lumenaus Solar & Battery Systems, LV Renewables, LV Solar, Macdonald Air & Electrical, Mackay Solar Installer, Mackies, Magic Electrical Services, Make My Solar, Makn Energy, Malwa Electrical & Solar, McDonald Solar, McFin Electrical, MDB Solar, Metro Solar, Middle Swan Solar, Mildura Solar, Mission Solar & Electrical, MJJs Solar, MK Energy, MODE Electrical, Moh Solar Solutions, Montague Electrical & Solar, MyEnergy Engineering, NSE, Narooma Electrics, National Electric & Solar, NRG Solar, Nationwide Solar Solutions, NDF Group, Negawatts Electrical, Nexen Energy Solutions, Northern Perth Electrical, NRSE, Northern Sun Solar Power, Northside Electrical And Solar, NRG South West, NSW Solar Hub, NT Solar Needs, Ocean Breeze Services, Off-Grid Energy Australia, On Point Solar & Electrical, Open Electrical, Opera Solar Energy, Orbit Solar, Oslec Electrical, OTI Power, Our Power Solar, Oz Wide Solar, Ozeal Energy, OziSun Solar, Ozzie Solar, Pro Solar Global, Paragon Solar Power, PDR Energy, PEC Electrical, Peel Electrical And Solar, PAE, Perth Solar Force, Photonic Solar Solutions, Photonix Energy, Pica Electrical, Pioneer Solar, PSD, Platinum Solar, Positive Energy, Power Ideas, Power Source, Power Up Electrical and Solar, Powerix, PowerSmart Solutions, PSI, Prestige Renewables, Prima Commercial Solar Group, Prime Energy, Prime Solar & Electrical, Pro Green Energy, Pro 1 Solar, Progress Electrical + Solar, Protec Electrical Contractors, Proven Energy, PSW Energy, PTE Solar, Pulse Systems, Pure Green Energy, PV Spark, Quality Solar Systems, Queensland Solar and Lighting, Quick Solar, QVolt Solar, Qvolt Solar, RACV Solar, Radiant Electrical, Radius Energy, Ramselec Solar, Re-Energy, Reactive Energy, Real Response Electrical, Red Dog Power, Red Solar, RACE, Reliable Solar Solutions, Reliance Solar, Remote Off Grid Energy, RenewCo Solar, Replenishable Energy, Rescom Solar, Revolutionary Solar, Rimfire Energy, Rising Solar, Riverside Solar, RK Solar, Robbie Mcdonald Electrical, Roo's Electrical, Rossgo's Electrical, RS Energy, Ruhunu Solar Energy, Sungain Solar, SAE Group, Sailax Solar, SALT Solar, Saltwater Solar, SEM Group, SEQ Solar, SEQSparky, SFSE, Sharpe Services, Sherwood Solar, Signature Solar, SRE, Sky Power Energy, Skytech Energy, SL Green Energy, SLM Solar, Smart Energy Answers, Smart House Solar, Smart Power Solutions, Smartoz Electrical & Solar, SMC Energy, Snap Solar, Solaire Connect, Solar 1 Electrical, Solar 2020, Solar Air Services, SAA, Solar Central, Solar Centre, Solar Connections, Solar Edwards Adelaide, SESNQ, Solar Flow, SFS, Solar Galaxy, Solar Harbour, Solar House Australia, Solar Integrity, Solar Junction, Solar Link Australia, Solar Lyght, Solar Man, Solar Man Australia, Solarmatic, Solar Matters, Solar Maxx, Solar Merchants, Solar Minds, Solar Naturally, Solar Optimum, Solar Plant, Solar Power Panels, Solar Power Solutions Southwest, Solar Right WA, Solar Safari, Solar Saving, Solar Seed, Solar Service Guys, Solar Spirit, Solar Surge, Solar Tank, Solar Union, Solar Wise Wagga, Solar4Ever, Solar4Life, Solaray Energy, Solarbank Australia, Solarbeat, SolarBright, Solarez Energy, SolarGen, SolarGreen, Solaright, Solarlab, Solarpro, Solarspot, SolarWide, SolarWorks, SolarYou, Solaviva, SolaXs, Solbase, Solec Industries, Solenergy, Sologistics Australia, Soltek Energy, South Coast Solar Solutions, South West Solar Force, Southeast Solar, Spark Electrical, Sparkbeam Solution, Sparkwire Solar, Sparky Solar, Specialized Solar Solutions, Speedy Solar, Springers Solar, Stand Alone Power Systems, Stinson Air & Solar, Stralis Energy, STT Electrical Services, Sun 2 Solar, Sun Energy Systems, Sun Solar Australia, Sun-Kissed Solar, Sun2u Electrical & Solar, Sunburn Solar, Sundriven, Sunergy Solar, Sunflare Solar, Sungen, Sungold Solar, SunGroup Energy, Sunlight Solar, Sunline Energy, SunLoad Solar, Sunlogics, SCSSolar, Sunny Sky Solar, Sunoxi New Energy, Sunpac Solar, Sunpro Solar, Sunray Power, Sunrays Power, Sunrun Solar, Sunshine Coast Solar, SC Solar, Sunshine State Solar, SunSmart SC, Suntek Energy, Suntime Solar, Superb Solar, Supply Solar, Supreme Solar Power, Surge It Solar & Electrical, Sustainable Focus, Suzlon Solar, Switch 2 Solar, Switchtec Solutions, Sydney Solar & Batteries, Symons Energy, talkenergy, Tanway Engineering, Target Solar, Tas Energy & Heating, Task Industries, TDG Solar, Teaslec, Techno Solar, TEG Energy Services, Tenmen Electrical, Tesla Electrical & Solar, Tetris Industries, The Austrian Solar, The Energy Experts, The Power Shop, The Solar Group, SunWorks Solar, Think Solar, Thomas Electrical, Top End Solar, Top Notch Electrics, Top Value Solar, TMS Solar & Electrical, TQ Electrical Solutions, Traeger Solar, Trione Energy, Tropical Solar and Electrical Services, Ultima Energy, Ultimate Energy, Uncommon Solar, Unisol Solar & Electrical, Universe Solar, Unlimited Energy, Urban Renewables, UV Power, Velocity Solar, Victorian Solar Light, Vision Energy, Volteam Electric, Vonergy, VV Electrical and Solar, WA Solar Supplies, Wauchope Solar, Wescor Electrical, West Coast Solar, Western Solar & Electrical Solutions, Western Sydney Solar, Westside Energy, Wholesale Solar and Batteries, Winki Energy, Wix Energy, Wow Solar, X-Alt Solar, Yello Energy Group, Yorke Solar, Your Green Planet, ZECO Energy, Zenith Solar, Zero 4 Energy, Zing Solar Vic, Zipsolar
Costa Rica
30°-Solar, A24 Energie, AC Solar, AceFlex, Aco Solar, ADT Solar Systems, AEP Solar, AKUT Solar- und Haustechnik, AL-Solar, Alternativ Energie MV, AZ Energie, Bäcker Elektrobau, Baumontage Merath, Berger Erneuerbare Energie, BESTAenergy, BIBER Solarkonzept, Braunstein Solar, BSS Dach- und Solar, Dach+Solarbau, Diamantis Solarstrom, Diether Photovoltaik, e.systeme21, Easysolar, EKS Energiekonzepte Süd, Elektro Jäckel, Elektro Service Schreiber, Elektro König, Elektro-Blitz, Elektro-Wilhelm, Elektrotechnik Metz, Elektrotechnik Schäfer, EMT Elektromontage, Energie&Solar, Energiespeicher-Online, EPE, Energieteam Süd,, Energiezentrum Hessisch Lichtenau, Energiezentrum Mitte, enivon Elektrotechnik, Enways, ErEne Green Technologies, Etm Solarservice, Allround Solar, FocusEnergie, Galicium Solar, Gexx AeroSol, Goldbeck Solar, Grinnotec, GT Systembau, Hamacher, HNM, Dachdeckerei Heiko Oehlert, Herges-Solar, Holger Braaf, HSK-Dienstleistungsservice, IBG Solar, J&K Solarenergie, JM ProjektInvest, KES, KJV, Klaus Meyer, Kohrt Elektro, KET, Lebenswerte Energien, Leicht Fenster und Türen, McCormick Solar, Men at Work, Meusert, MTEC Elektro Und Solar, Weniger, Novatech, Ohlendorf-Technik, ÖKO-Energie, Öko-Team Energie- und Solartechnik, P.S. Rode, Pfalzwerke, PhotoVoltaic Connections, Photovoltaik Gerhards, Photovoltaik Schrankl, Photovoltaik4all, Priental EnergieSysteme, Prior Solar, PV Solartechnik, PvFritz, Ra Lux, Ralf Krämer Solartechnik, Reichbrandstätter, RS Solar, S+S Energietechnik, Saferay, Sanitär & Heizungsdrache, SAT, Schneider & Lalk Solar, Schnekenburger Dach + Wand, Schober Haustechnik, Schoenergie, Schrameyer, Schreckert, Scm Energy, Sol In One, Sol-Luz-Ion, SOLADÜ energy re, Solar Energiedach, Solar Netzker, Solar Wend, Solar Wiebe, Solar-& Heizungstechnik, Solar-Bau, Solar-Partner-Süd, Solar-Visions, Solar38, SolarConsult, Solardach 24, SolarfuxX, SolarHelden, SolarKonzept, Solarpol, Solarstromer, SolarTeam 3, Solartechnik Aigner Dachau, Solartechnik Ebbes, Solartechnik Steffen, Solartechnik Winkler, Solarzentrum Siegerland, Solectra, Soley Solar, Solibra, SOLTec Elektrotechnik, Soltech Rieser, SOLwest, Sonnenenergie Bielefeld, Sonnenkönig, Sonnenplaner, Sonnenstrom & Elektrotechnik, Sontec, Stör Steuerungstechnik, Sun Energy, Sun Performance, SunConcept, SunnaVoltaik, Sunovis, TASA Solartechnik, TiMa-Solar, Turn Solar, Vario Green Energy, Vista-Energy, Webutec, Weise Haustechnik, Weithäuser, Wissla, Wpd, xVolt, Zimmerei Weckbart, Zolar
Hong Kong
Trinidad and Tobago
United States
365 Solar, 410Energy, A1A Solar, AAA All Star Solar, Ace Solar, AES, ASRA, Aikyum Solar, Albany Solar Solutions, All In 1 Solar, All Solar Energy Solutions, Allied Veterans, Aloha Solar Power, Alpine Electric, Altair Solar, Alternate Energy, Alternate Energy, AES, Ameco Solar, American Renewable Energy, American Sentry Solar, American Solar Aide, American Solar Installs, American Solar Power, American Solar Pros, Amira Solar, Ampwrx Solar Solutions, Aneva Solar, ARP Solar, Appleton Solar, Arch Electric, Arizona Wholesale Solar, YourSolarHelp, Arrowhead Solar, ArtGreen, Artisan Electric, Athens Electric, ATX Solar, AviSun, Awake Solar, Axium Solar, Barrett Solar, Barrier Solar, Big Dog Satellite and Solar, Big Dog Solar, Bison Energy, Black Hills Solar, Blue Energy Electric, BlueSky, Blymyer Engineers, Braven Solar, Bright Home Solutions, Bright Skies Solar, Brightway Energy, BSW Solar, Roofing & Air, BVI Solar, Cal Valley Solar, Cali Energy, CS&E, CSE, California State Development, Calstate Energy, Cape Fear Solar Systems, Capital City Solar, Castaways Energy, Castor Solar, Celestar Solar, Celestial Solar Innovations, Centauri Systems, Century Sun and Solar, Cenvar Solar, Certasun, CES, City Park Solar, Clark Energies, Clean Solar, Coastal Solar, Connected Technology, Construct Sun, Convert Solar, Corda Solar, Cosmo Solaris, Covenant Solar & Roofing, Crabbe Service, Creative Energies, CSA Electrical, Custom Solar, Defined Solar, Delta Solar Electric, Detail Solar, Devlin, Diamond Solar Solutions, Discover Green, Drews Solar, DTL Electric, DSD, E2 Solar, Earth Electric, Eastex Solar, Ecohouse, EcoSmart Home Services, ECS Energy, EL-FI Homes, Elan Solar, Eland Electric, Electricare, Element Electric, Elite Roofing & Solar Solutions, Elor Energy, Emerald Energy, Emes Solar, Empire Solar Solutions, EMPWR Solar, EMT Solar & Roofing, Energy Bros, Energy Design, Energy Link, EM Services, ERC, Energy Solar, Energy Solutions and Supplies, Energy Solutions, Energy Solutions, Enlightened Solar, Enzo Solar, ES Electric & Solar, Eternax Solar, Evolution Energy, Expert Electric, Fingerlakes Renewables Solar Energy, Flo Solar, Florida Solar & Air, Florida Solar Contracting, Focus Solar Energy, Fusion Power, Future Energy Solar, Gaia Home, Gecko Solar Energy, Genesis Solar Power, Geoscape Solar, Glim Solar, Go Green Industries, Go Solar Power, Go SunLogic, Golden Gate Solar Tech, Good Energy, GFE, GotSun-GoSolar, Got Watts, Granite State Solar, Grassroots Solar, Green City Solar, Green Mile Eneergy, Green Mountain Solar, Green Muscle Solar, Green Revolution Solar, Green Ridge, Green Road Solar, Green World Renewable Energy, GreenBrilliance, Greenfield Solar, GreenReady, Greenstar Power, GreenWire Technologies, Greenwired, Gurr Brothers Construction, Haleakala Solar, Harmon Solar, Harvest Power, HD Energy Solutions, Hi-Power Solar, HMS Construction, HOLT Renewables, Home Options Made Easy, Home Pro, Home Team Energy, Homes.Solar, Hot Purple Energy, Houston Energy Systems, HPM Solar, Icon Power, Illinois Solar, IlumSolar, Skyward, Independent Energy Hawaii, Industrial Sales, Infinite Energy Advisors, Infinity Energy, Infinity Solar, Infinium Solar, Insight Energy, Inspiramental, Integrity Energy, Intermountain Wind & Solar, Invaleon, JRE, Jackson Solar, JBW, JDC Energy, JEBL Engineering & Construction, JHP Electric, Jim The Solar Guy, JK Renewables, DBA Prime Green Solutions, JW Electric, K Tahere Solutions, Kalahari Solar, Kansas Solar Systems, Kasselman Solar, Kilo Hollow Energy, Kinetic Solar, Kosmos Solar, Kota Energy, KR Solar, KW Solar, LaVerne & Son, Lazen Solar, Lexine, Lgcy Power, Lightwave Solar, Live Oak Energy Systems, Lone Star Solar Services, Longhorn Solar, Lumenex Energy, Lumina Solar, Lundy Solar and Roofing, Lunex Power, MSS, Maine Commercial Solar, Maine Solar Solutions, Mann Solar, MSP, MSSI, May Electric Solar, Mega Power, Michigan Quality Electric, MSS, Midwest Solar Power, MW Solar, Milestone Solar Consultants, Mississippi Solar, Modernize Power, Morrison Roofing & Solar, Mother Nature Solar, Mountain View Solar, Mynt Solar & Roofing, NAZ Solar Electric, NC Solar, NeoSun, New Star Solar, Nex Solar Power, NexGen Solar, Next Step Energy, Norwich Solar, Nova Solar, NRG, Ocotillo Solar Electric, OneSun, Onsite Energy, Optimum Solar Power, Optimus Solar, Pacific Sun, Firefly Solar, Patriot Energy Solutions, PayOli, PCI Renewables, Peg Energy, PGT Solar Solutions, PEP Solar, Phoenix Solar Panel Systems, Photon Brothers, Photon Stellar, Photonworks Energy Autonomy, Pinelux Exteriors Roofing & Solar, Pinnacle Roofing Professionals, Planet Connection, Positive Energy Solar, Power Northwest, Power Trip Energy, Powerfully Green Solar, PPM Solar, Premo Solar, Pro Bid Energy, PES Solar, ProVision Solar, PE Solar, Quantum Solar Power, Quick Electric, R. T. Maher Solar Specialists, R.O.I. Solar, Radiance Solar, Rainshadow Solar, Raven Solar, RayWell Solar, Rector Solar & Roofing, Red Rhino Roofs & Solar, Redstone Solar, Reliable Solar and Roofing, Red Solar, ReNu Energy Solutions, Revolt Energy, R&S Solar, Robinhood Solar, Roofio, RoofTek, Rooftop Solar, Roper Roofing, RR Soura Shakti, Rumos Chem, Sabino Solar, Safe Haven Solar, Saguaro Solar, Salvation Home Solutions, San Marino Solar Electric, Sandbox Solar, Sangamon Solar, Sattler Solar, Savkat, Seapoint Solar, SGE Solar, SEM Power, Shelter Roofing & Solar, Shields Electric, Shockoe Solar, Simple Solar, Simply Solar, Sol-Tek Industries, Solair, Solar by CIR, Solar Company of Phoenix, Solar Connection, Solar Electric, Solar Energy Labs, Solar Energy Of Phoenix, SES, Solar Energy Specialist, Solar Energy World, Solar G., Solar Holler, Solar Master Pro, Solar Me, Solar Optimum, Solar Panels Dallas, Solar Permit Drawings, Solar Plus, Solar Power Supply, Solar Savings Direct, Solar System, Solar Today & Tomorrow, Solar Topps, Solar Wave, SolarCraft, Solarize, SolarLink Energy, SolarMax, Solenergi, SolShine Energy Alternatives, SolShine Solar, SolStar Power, Soul Energy, Southcoast GreenLight, Sparky Jake, Spring Solar, Star City Solar, Steve Whitman Solar, StraightUp Solar, Summit Energy, SLP, Sun Service Specialists, Sun Solar Electric, Sun Source Energy, SUNation Solar Systems, SunCraftsmen Solar, Sundance Power Systems, Sundance Solar, Sundog, Sunectric Solar, SunFire Construction, Sungineer Solar, Sunline Energy, SunLogic Power, SunLux, SunMade Energy, Sunnect Solar, Sunny Energy, Sunny San Diego Solar, SunnyMac, Sunpath Services, SunRa Solar, Sunroom Systems, Sunsense Solar, Sunshine Renewable Solutions, Sunshine Solar, Sunshine Solar Sales Group, Sunspear Energy, SST, Suntegrity Solar, SunVena, SunWind, Symmetric Energy, Synergy Solar RGV, TFS, Tesson Roofing & Exteriors, Texas Solar Guys, Texas Solar Professional, Texas Solar Systems Sales, The Electrician, The Energy Store, The Good Guys, The Solar Revolution, The Solar Store, Tiger Stripe Solar, TN Electrical and Solar Services, Transform Solar, Treepublic, True Enterprises, TTS, Underline Energy Concepts, Urban Design Solar, Utah Roof and Solar, V.H. Energy, Veteran Solar, VIG Solar, Vinyasun, Virtue Solar, Vital Energy, WattSun Solar, Weber Solar Energy, Wells Solar, Western Solar, Westwood, Whaling City Solar, Whidbey Sun & Wind, Whole Sun Designs, Will Power Solar, Windemuller, Wing Solar & Wood Energy, Wolf River Electric, WorldStar solar, Yes Solar Solutions, Yogi Solar, Yuma Solar, Zion Electric & Solar


We frequently use these panels. The service is very good; they offer very useful technical solutions. So far we havent had any problems with them.

-- SUD Renovables S.L.

This brand can produce lots of electricity with very high efficiency rate. Its modules have enough protection to keep working under severe conditions in Australia.

-- Nikky Cumming, Go4Solar Pty Ltd

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